Hey there! Bonjour, hello intelligent and attractive strangers!
Bonjour, mon beau rayon de soleil! This month of September was really productive for me. I read a lot of books and printed articles. I also even hired a French tutor to help me learn the language because I want to speak French and Spanish fluently one day.
Before I begin to speak about my progress, I'd like to say to the world that my "Happy Me Day'' is approaching soon. I do expect loads of cash in envelopes from friends and family so I can jet off to Hawaii all by my fabulous self.
So I'm working on my second 2023 dedication video to show my commitment to my first book. So I hope to upload the video to the internet before "Happy Me Day'' to show my book commitment and, of course, to put a stop to violence and spread peace and positivity.
Now, the second week of a 10-week course has begun, marking the start of my senior year of college. So I really, really hope, with fingers crossed, that I’ll have time in October to do something I've wanted to do for a long time: study acting and actually put my foot in the door of acting out a character. So I think the best way to start is to watch a movie scene, try to imitate and mimic an actor's performance, and act out the scene. I will also type up the script from the scene to read, record, and watch the recording repeatedly to learn and grow as a starter actor.
16 Personality Type: Analysts, Diplomats, Sentinels, Explorers.
For each personality type, there are four distinct categories: analysts, diplomats, sentinels, and explorers. My goal is to study all four categories to understand each personality type's strengths and weaknesses, how they handle romantic relationships and friendships, parenthood, career paths, workplace habits, etc. I want to learn all about them and keep studying about them so I can conduct in-person interviews with people to determine their personality types and personality traits based on my knowledge and as an observer.
So right, my focus is on the first category, the analysts' personalities: architects (INTJ), logicians (INTJ), commanders (ENTJ), and debaters (ENTJ). Their personalities are most likely to be independent-minded and make decisions with their heads rather than their hearts. Their curiosity is what drives them to bring their ideas to reality, and they're most likely to sit all day behind a computer to work and can spend a weekend alone without getting bored. They have the urge to be successful or to stand out. After I learned about the analysts’ personalities, the diplomats’ personalities are next to do research about.
For study purposes, I’d like to read articles on the same topic written by different authors. This helps me see things from a different angle from other writers and observe their writing style as it also improves my own writing. I'd also like to have binders with printed articles about gender differences, personality and mental disorders, human interaction, youth and adolescent development, addiction, handling parenthood and relationships, and other areas of psychology. The more I read about psychology, the more I understand why people do what they do, whether it’s bad or good. And to be honest, I do genuinely enjoy learning this because it helps me grow as a person and as a writer.
Personality Disorder: Narcissism
Another thing that I learned, which is my favorite subject to research about, was narcissism. This means when a person who is narcissistic thinks they are more important than others and cares more about themselves than others. They often showed no sympathy for those in need and no consideration for others. They may exploit, manipulate, or control others to fulfill their own wants, even denying lies if you show them proof. Whether conscious or unconscious, this self-centered behavior can lead to toxic relationships and a lack of concern for others' emotional or physical health. They may also be described as cocky, selfish, manipulative, condescending, or needy.
While a narcissist often prioritizes their own needs and wants above others, they seek constant validation and admiration. They typically draw in to things like money, fame or popularity, beauty (in others, in themselves, or in an object), having high expectations, and having complete control over someone or a situation. Here are three good examples about a narcissist down below.
#1: Narcissistic Mother
While on a break at work, I read an old newspaper print about a narcissistic mother who was very sick mentally and violently abused her two children. Child Protective Services (CPS) found out about it and threatened to take her kids away. Before CPS had the chance to take her children away, she killed her own children and had a mindset of, "If I can't have them, then no one will." Since she was a narcissist, she wanted complete control. She was dangerously obsessed with her kids, and she killed them because she wanted to get rid of what she valued most, not have them taken away from her. Keep in mind that she puts her own needs and wants ahead of her children. Very sick woman, to say the least.
The sad part of this tragic story is that people like this do exist. Even now, she believes her actions were justified. She believes she did nothing wrong because in her world she's perfect and no one can understand her. Again, thinking this way about "I'm perfect" and actually believing it can make someone extremely dangerous or a narcissist.
#2: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1934): The Evil Queen
In the classic movie Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, true love and narcissism are both explored. A story about a nasty queen who was driven to be the most beautiful and the fairest of them all in her kingdom; she gains her only confidence through her magic mirror for constant validation. The magic mirror eventually told her she was no longer the fairest of them all, and her stepdaughter, Snow, became the fairest of them all. It was also said the Queen had narcissistic personality disorder.
As a result, the evil queen hired a hitman and told him to not only kill her but also cut out her heart so she could eat it. When she failed to kill Snow White, the seven dwarfs chased her to a cliff, where she fell to her death with a bolt of lightning. Because she was too prideful and stubborn to accept that she wasn't the fairest of them all, a narcissistic woman who values beauty over life, ultimately led to her death. God hates pride, arrogance, evil, and perverse speech (Proverbs 8:13).
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1934): This film deserves credit for addressing narcissism, true love, and being kind in a dangerous world. The message of this film was powerful. I think Snow shows a true girl's power by being compassionate and not letting anyone dishearten her while living in an unhealthy household and cleaning with rag clothes. A hitman was after her but couldn't bring himself to kill her, all while the evil queen hated her. Still, Snow never stooped down to their level, was compassionate, and maintained her good heart. I believe the world needs more compassionate people like Snow, who can see the good in everyone and don’t need to be ruthless to get even. Believe it or not, love and kindness never go to waste; they always make a difference.
#3: Emmett Till’s Accuser
On August 28, 1955, a 21-year-old narcissistic white woman, Carolyn Bryant, claimed that a 14-year-old black teenager, Emmett Till, who was from Chicago, had touched, threatened, and harassed her. Her husband, Roy Bryant, and brother-in-law, J.W. Milam, kidnapped, tortured, and beat him to death until he was unrecognizable and dumped in a river after she made a serious accusation. Emmett was found three days after his murder.
On September 6, 1955, at Burr Oak Cemetery in Alsip, IL, Emmett's mother, Mamie Till-Mobley, made a tough decision to have an open casket to show the world what they did to him; this really pushed the civil rights movement even further and made it possible for people of color to have rights as of today because of her strong decision.
In an all-white jury courtroom on September 23, 1955, Roy Bryant and J.W. Milam were found not guilty of kidnapping, torturing, and the murder of Emmett Till. Emmett's accuser, Carolyn, was scot-free, carefree, and lived a peaceful life, while Mamie had to live with the grief of her son. In 2003, Mamie died of heart failure at age 83. Some say that she ultimately died of heartbreak from the death of her son.
In 2017, Carolyn shared her story in a book called The Blood of Emmett Till, written by Timothy Tyson. The book reveals that Carolyn lied about Emmett never touching, threatening, or harassing her. She hid the truth for 62 years. Since she lied under oath in court on September 23, 1955, she committed perjury. She didn't receive any punishment or penalty for her crime. Emmett's family grieved for years, and she remained silent for years due to her narcissistic behavior and her lack of empathy for those in need.
“Nothing that boy did could ever justify what happened to him. For that, I am truly sorry. ” Carlyn, 83, said in a 2017 interview. She admits that she “felt tender sorrow” for Emmett’s mother, Mamie Till-Mobley.
Carolyn Bryant is flat-out a coward because she only came out with the truth when she became old and had nothing to live for anymore. She lived her life while hiding her past by remaining silent to face no consequences of what she did while Emillent's family grieved and wanted justice. I don’t think she was being sincere either by writing a book if her goal was to find peace within or show compassion. She lost her opportunity a long time ago, 62 years ago, by not telling the truth to find peace and show empathy. Her guilt grew over time as she reaped what she sowed. So I don’t respect her, and I will save my sympathy for the people that she hurt.
Emmett Till had a last chance at justice, and the U.S. Court wasted it on a woman who laughed about his death. It was such a shame that Carolyn got away with it after making a false accusation that led to his murder.
My Major: Communications and Media
My current major is communication and media. I chose this major because I have loved writing ever since I was a child; I used to write stories, creative writing pieces, and poetry and had a diary full of my thoughts. I used to only watch shows and movies and listen to music if they had a strong message in their story.
Now that I'm an adult, I spend about 6 to 7 hours a day writing and researching various topics, such as the field of psychology and societal topics, and studying strategies and techniques to communicate more effectively and deliver a message in numerous ways to an individual, a group, or an audience.
If you major in communication, you will improve your verbal, written, public speaking, and visual communication skills. Most bachelor's degrees in communication classes require a lot of research on topics like society, culture, and generational differences. So you can better understand what people are thinking and how they see the world. Communication can help you do many things, such as interviewing people in person, analyzing behaviors, leading a team, and more. Even as you go, you learn about the technology you'll need to get your message across, like how to use cameras, film, record with a microphone, and so on.
The major can lead to a wide field of jobs: public relations, journalism, writing, entertainment, customer service, and other jobs that require good communication skills like active listening, conflict management, quick thinking to exchange ideas and solve problems, strong decision-making, etc.
For me, the more I study communication, the easier it gets to talk to people, accept them for who they are, and understand them. My major gives me the ability to be creative through writing, giving me more opportunities that I want to pursue someday, which are writing scripts, films, journalism, acting, poetry, and someday leading a team to make my ideas to come true. The beauty of a communication major is that you can do ANYTHING with it, and it doesn't box you into a specific field or industry.
Remember, communication is key. Communication gets tough and life is rough. Nothing would get done in the civilianization and business worlds if people couldn't communicate with one another.
"A Communication Major is Useless"
When someone says, "A communication major is useless," I respectfully disagree because all majors work hard but have different fundamentals, learning subjects, and paradigms to learn. I think we have come too far and can respect each other's majors. Here are successful celebrities who actually went to college and majored in communication: Wendy Williams, Jimmy Fallon, Oprah, Mark Zuckerberg, Ellen DeGeneres, Jerry Seinfeld, etc. In general, communication majors, who take their passion very seriously, work hard behind the scenes to get where they want to be in life, just like all majors would do.
As a communication major, I research various topics outside of my school subjects because I have an open mind. I read psychology books, social issue reports, and scholarly articles for 6-7 hours a day to improve my storytelling, take notes, write blog posts, and develop my book's character, all while attending school full time and working full time through graveyard shifts. Therefore, I'm physically and mentally exhausted when my day is over. So there is no such thing as "a communication major is useless,” which is a baloney thing to say.
Communication is key. Communication gets tough and life is rough. Nothing would get done in the civilianization and business worlds if people couldn't communicate with one another.
Two Books That I Read: Women Who Love Too Much & Type Talk: The 16 Personality Types That Determine How We Live, Love, and Work.
Women Who Love Too Much speaks about women's struggles in a relationship or maintaining one. One of the highlights from it spoke about how a woman would typically choose to chase after a guy who is no good for them. Nevertheless, I’m sure we all hear these phrases that would make anyone fall for someone: “If you treat them like shit, they want you more.” or “You play hard to get; they want you more." I think persuading someone in a relationship with those methods is borderline dangerous and plain wrong.
There are several psychological reasons a woman stays in a toxic relationship with a verbally or/and physically abusive partner. Their childhood may have been filled with insecurity, unworthiness, and unlove. As a result, severe neglect or abuse can cause childhood trauma and lead to love addiction in their teen years or 20s. You may be wondering what love addiction is.
Love addiction is a pattern of behavior that leads to an unhealthy relationship and a great obsession with one or more love interests. Fear of being alone or abandoned can keep someone from staying in an abusive relationship. They may also depend on peers, social media, and friendships for validation due to the addiction.
Drug Addiction vs. Love Addiction
Love addiction is real. Substance addiction is the same thing as a love addiction. The first time someone tries a drug or feels love, for example, it might make them feel good. They may want more of it, get too much of it, and do bad things to get it, which can lead to addiction. Let's do comparisons, for example: Drug Addiction vs. Love Addiction
Drug Addictions: A depressed man who had never consumed alcohol tried it for the first time and loved how it made him feel. He wanted more and consumed more out of fear of feeling emptiness and sadness, which led to his alcohol addiction.
Love Addiction: An unloved woman who met her partner now knows what it's like to be loved, loves the feeling of it, and wants more. As a result of her need to feel loved constantly, she became too obsessed with him and had an unhealthy fixation relationship with him out of fear of abandonment and feeling unloved, which led to her love addiction.
Type Talk: The 16 Personality Types That Shape Our Lives, Loves, and Work discussed personality types. The author said that women tend to be feeling and men tend to be more thinkers. Feelers tend to make decisions based on how they feel; this reminded me of the first book, Women Who Love Too Much, which shares stories of real women who love their partners too much while being kinder and caring. Nevertheless, not all women are feelers, and not all men are thinkers; this is because everyone is unique in their own ways and is built differently.
Journalism: Learning the Ropes of How to Conduct Interviews
If I want to conduct an interview for research purposes, I must learn how to conduct an interview as a journalist. I printed out some articles on how to conduct one and read them at my local library. I even bought a book: How To Become A Journalist by Nick Rennie. I may consider taking a journalism class.
Before conducting journalistic interviews, I want to learn about the 16 personality types, characteristic traits, and a wide range of psychology in various fields so I can determine the interviewee's personality type and traits in one interview. This will help me understand others' perspectives and personalities and enter journalism even further instead of being solely dependent on learning materials.
The recording equipment I will use as a writer is a tape recorder with a microphone that requires cassette types. Each cassette type will have the interviewee's name, the date, and the time written on the back of it. My version is that I will schedule a 30-minute interview with an individual, find a time and place, be prepared with my questions on a clipboard and to take notes, and most importantly, study the topics I will discuss. Even though my phone can voice record, I'd rather do voice recordings during interviews on a tape recorder than rely on my phone too much.
Thank you for reading my blog; it really does mean a lot to me. Due to the fact that it does take me hours—and I mean hours and days—to write and research all alone to get this article finished, so whoever is reading this, really, thanks.
- Signing off now,
Michael Melero ;-;